Seeking long term, innovation driven and sustainable solutions to the wider communities’ challenges in social care provision, for mental health, drugs and alcohol, and disability, with particular emphasis on the social determinants of health and mental health.

Our history

At the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 hit us, and we entered into the first UK wide restrictions and lockdown.

At this point Wye Dean Wellbeing took the initiative to provide wellbeing support and resources for the public and community to access, collaborating with District and County agencies to distribute the resources and information.

We understand the consequences of the current global situation post COVID-19 and the effects this is having on the wellbeing of children and adults alike.

During this time mental and emotional health has never been so important, it is now being recognised as one of the biggest concerns to come out of the crisis we are currently facing. 

More than two thirds of adults in the UK reported that they are worried about the impact the virus is currently having on their lives, with most worrying about the future. A virus pandemic or panic.

Good mental health is intrinsically linked to good physical health, which means when we have a good balance, we can be healthy functioning individuals with resilience and a positive, mind-set, thoughts and feelings.

Wellbeing has never been more important than now. Wye Dean Wellbeing is a not-for-profit organisation formed from the individual passions of its founders, to provide a professional, quality and holistic service to fulfil community wellbeing.

The dictionary defines wellbeing as:

“The State of Being Comfortable, Healthy, or Happy.”

This is our singular mission and the purpose of Wye Dean Wellbeing.

Provide a service to our communities, with focus on mental health, disability, and drugs and alcohol, giving voice and providing the reasons and the means to wellbeing.