
  • Title: 'How to use a 35mm format camera and make an exposure
  • Audience: All beginners. This is an introductions to 35mm format film cameras
  • We do offer a more comprehensive course
  • Duration: 4 hours to include a mid break
  • Maximum number of attendees per session: 2
  • Additional attendee per session costs £150 each.

Why do it and what?

Explore and experience one might say the total opposite of photography today:

  • Slowing down – 35mm cameras take time.
  • 1 hour technical demonstration and discussion.
  • Looking – setting up the camera on a tripod an framing requires you to really focus and frame. Using a viewer or fame, start looking through the rectangle and examine what is before you.
  • Exposure - no electronics allowed. You will learn how to read light with a light meter.
  • Setting exposure - no automation here. Exposure requires two settings based on a third factor the sensitivity of the film. You will understand how the ASA of the film (sensitivity) interacts with the speed and aperture settings.
  • Loading film - learn how to load it into the camera.
  • Notes - take home printouts from everything covered.

How do I buy it?

Cost: £350

This price in inclusive and includes 1 rolls of 35mm black and white film and contact prints. More can be used at an additional cost.

Requires: Purchase using PayPal.

Delivery: Contact Guy Woodland

Contact Guy Woodland

email: Guy Woodland
phone: 07496 593118